NoSQL Library Doc
- For Elasticsearch, some Kibana useful commands are:
- Get the Elasticsearch version and tagline
- Browse the documentation related to your elasticsearch version
- Quickly explore existing indices
- Quickly explore existing aliases
- Quickly get settings, mappings and aliases of an index
- Switch / Manage aliases
- Quickly explore the data in an index
- Quickly get some data based on exact values and sorted
- Quickly get data matching several fields and explain the relevancy
- Quickly check how a text is analyzed
- Explore data grouped by a field
- Quicky explore top terms
- Explore significant terms within one group
- Explore top terms and get details on top hits
- Quickly find min and max values of one field
- Quickly display a date histogram
- Quickly update the value of a field in a document
- Quickly increment the value of a field in a document
- Get active index templates
- Update or create an index template
- Quickly reindex (after template or mapping changes)
- Get nodes information
- Get the cluster health
- Get all the cluster metadata
- Get all nodes statistics
- Activate the search slow log on an index
- Quickly snapshot
- Quickly restore
- Run the support diagnostics