DRY Principle#
The DRY Principle stands for “Don’t Repeat Yourself”. It is one of the fundamental principles of software development aimed at reducing duplication in logic and code. The core idea is:
“Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.”
In simple terms, DRY encourages developers to avoid writing duplicate code, which not only reduces redundancy but also makes code easier to maintain, modify, and understand.
Why is DRY Important?#
Maintainability: If the same code appears in multiple places, any bug fix or improvement needs to be applied to each instance, increasing the chance of errors.
Readability: Non-repetitive, well-structured code is easier to read and understand, especially in larger projects.
Reusability: Code adhering to the DRY principle is more modular and reusable across various parts of an application.
Single Source of Truth: Duplication often leads to inconsistent logic across different parts of the system, making the application harder to reason about.
Violation of DRY#
A violation occurs when you copy-paste the same code or logic into different parts of your application, which could be encapsulated and reused instead.
Example 1: Refactoring Repeated Logic#
Before (DRY Violation)#
In the following example, the logic to calculate total salary is repeated in different places.
class Employee:
def __init__(self, name, salary):
self.name = name
self.salary = salary
def annual_salary(self):
# Logic repeated here
return self.salary * 12
class Contractor:
def __init__(self, name, salary):
self.name = name
self.salary = salary
def annual_salary(self):
# Same logic repeated here
return self.salary * 12
employee = Employee("Alice", 5000)
contractor = Contractor("Bob", 6000)
print(employee.annual_salary()) # Repeated logic
print(contractor.annual_salary()) # Repeated logic
After (DRY Applied)#
We can extract the repeated logic into a reusable method in a base class.
class Worker:
def __init__(self, name, salary):
self.name = name
self.salary = salary
def annual_salary(self):
return self.salary * 12 # Shared logic
class Employee(Worker):
class Contractor(Worker):
employee = Employee("Alice", 5000)
contractor = Contractor("Bob", 6000)
print(employee.annual_salary()) # No repetition
print(contractor.annual_salary()) # No repetition
Key Improvements:#
The calculation logic is centralized in the Worker class, and both Employee and Contractor reuse the method.
If the calculation logic changes, it needs to be updated in only one place.
Refactoring Similar Functions with a Common Utility#
Before (DRY Violation)
The following example shows similar functions calculating areas of different shapes, repeating similar logic.
def rectangle_area(length, width):
return length * width
def square_area(side):
return side * side
def triangle_area(base, height):
return 0.5 * base * height
print(rectangle_area(4, 5))
print(triangle_area(6, 3))
After (DRY Applied)#
We can refactor the code to reuse a common shape area calculation function.
def calculate_area(shape, *dimensions):
if shape == "rectangle":
return dimensions[0] * dimensions[1]
elif shape == "square":
return dimensions[0] * dimensions[0]
elif shape == "triangle":
return 0.5 * dimensions[0] * dimensions[1]
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported shape: {shape}")
print(calculate_area("rectangle", 4, 5)) # Rectangle
print(calculate_area("square", 4)) # Square
print(calculate_area("triangle", 6, 3)) # Triangle
Key Improvements:#
The calculation logic is centralized in the calculate_area function, making it easy to extend to other shapes.
We eliminated repetitive functions for each shape.
Refactoring Repeated Database Operations#
Before (DRY Violation)
Imagine a scenario where database queries are repeated across different parts of the code.
import sqlite3
def get_all_users():
conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM users")
return cursor.fetchall()
def get_all_orders():
conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM orders")
return cursor.fetchall()
users = get_all_users()
orders = get_all_orders()
After (DRY Applied)#
We can abstract the database operations into a generic function.
import sqlite3
def fetch_all(table_name):
conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name}")
return cursor.fetchall()
users = fetch_all("users") # Reuse for users table
orders = fetch_all("orders") # Reuse for orders table
Key Improvements:#
The repetitive database fetching logic is encapsulated in the fetch_all function.
This makes it easier to query other tables by reusing the same function.
Avoiding Code Duplication#
In this example, we will refactor a situation where code duplication occurs when performing similar validation checks across multiple methods.
Before (DRY Violation)#
Here, we perform user input validation repeatedly across different methods, leading to code duplication.
class UserService:
def create_user(self, username, age):
if not username:
raise ValueError("Username cannot be empty")
if age < 18:
raise ValueError("User must be at least 18 years old")
# Logic for creating a user
print(f"User {username} created successfully")
def update_user(self, user_id, username, age):
if not username:
raise ValueError("Username cannot be empty")
if age < 18:
raise ValueError("User must be at least 18 years old")
# Logic for updating a user
print(f"User {username} with ID {user_id} updated successfully")
service = UserService()
service.create_user("Alice", 20)
service.update_user(1, "Alice", 25)
After (DRY Applied)#
By extracting the validation logic into a separate reusable method, we eliminate code duplication.
class UserService:
def validate_user_input(self, username, age):
if not username:
raise ValueError("Username cannot be empty")
if age < 18:
raise ValueError("User must be at least 18 years old")
def create_user(self, username, age):
self.validate_user_input(username, age)
# Logic for creating a user
print(f"User {username} created successfully")
def update_user(self, user_id, username, age):
self.validate_user_input(username, age)
# Logic for updating a user
print(f"User {username} with ID {user_id} updated successfully")
service = UserService()
service.create_user("Alice", 20)
service.update_user(1, "Alice", 25)
Key Improvements:#
The validate_user_input method centralizes the validation logic, avoiding repetition.
This improves maintainability, as any change to the validation logic needs to be made in only one place.
Using Decorators for Cross-Cutting Concerns#
Cross-cutting concerns, such as logging, authorization, or caching, often affect multiple parts of an application. These concerns can lead to code duplication if not properly abstracted. Decorators are a common Python feature used to follow the DRY principle and handle cross-cutting concerns elegantly.
Before (DRY Violation)#
In this example, logging is implemented directly within business logic, leading to duplication of logging code across methods.
import time
class PaymentService:
def process_payment(self, user_id, amount):
print(f"[INFO] Starting payment process for user {user_id}...")
# Simulate payment processing
print(f"Processed payment of {amount} for user {user_id}")
print(f"[INFO] Payment process for user {user_id} finished")
def refund_payment(self, user_id, amount):
print(f"[INFO] Starting refund process for user {user_id}...")
# Simulate refund processing
print(f"Refunded {amount} to user {user_id}")
print(f"[INFO] Refund process for user {user_id} finished")
service = PaymentService()
service.process_payment(42, 100)
service.refund_payment(42, 100)
After (DRY Applied with Decorators)#
We can extract the logging logic into a reusable decorator, applying the DRY principle to avoid duplicating the logging code.
import time
from functools import wraps
def log_execution(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
print(f"[INFO] Starting {func.__name__}...")
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
print(f"[INFO] Finished {func.__name__}")
return result
return wrapper
class PaymentService:
def process_payment(self, user_id, amount):
# Simulate payment processing
print(f"Processed payment of {amount} for user {user_id}")
def refund_payment(self, user_id, amount):
# Simulate refund processing
print(f"Refunded {amount} to user {user_id}")
service = PaymentService()
service.process_payment(42, 100)
service.refund_payment(42, 100)
Key Improvements:#
The log_execution decorator eliminates the need to repeat logging logic within each method. By applying the decorator to any method, we can easily handle cross-cutting concerns like logging in a reusable and consistent way.
The separation of concerns improves the readability of the business logic, making the methods more focused.