python magic methods#
Python Magic Methods list in Bangla
- Python Dunder Methods
- 1. Object Initialization and Finalization
- 2. Object Representation
- 3. Attribute Access
- 4. Attribute Management
- 5. Container Emulation
- 6. Numeric Emulation
- 7. Type Conversion
- 8. Comparison Operators
- 9. Callable Objects
- 10. Context Management
- 11. Descriptor Protocol
- 12. Metaprogramming
- 13. Memory Management
- 14. Async and Await Support
- 15. Pickling and Serialization
- 16. Weak Reference Support
- 17. Garbage Collection
- 18. Object Copying and Cloning
- 19. Coercion Operations
- 20. Buffer Interface
- 21. String-Like Behavior
- 22. Sequence and Mapping Protocols
- 23. String Interpolation
- 24. Hashing and Identity
- 25. Dynamic Class Creation
- 26. Instance Creation and Initialization
- 27. Performance Optimization
- 28. Reversed Operations
- 29. Type Hinting and Annotations
- 30. Context Manager Support
- 31. Callable Object and Function Protocol
- 32. Metaclasses
- 33. Weak Reference Support
- 34. Pickling Support
- 35. Buffer Interface
- 36. String Formatting
- 37. Memory Management and Object Information
- 38. Dynamic Class Behavior
- 39. Context Manager Protocol
- 40. Customizing Class Creation
- 41. Descriptor Protocol
- 42. Coercion Protocol
- 43. String Representation
- 44. Attribute Management
- 45. Class Method Support
- 46. Hashing and Comparison
- 47. Overriding Default Behavior
- 48. Iteration and Mapping
- 49. Function and Method Protocol
- 50. Class Method Support
- 51. Miscellaneous
- 52. Mapping Protocol
- 53. Sequence Protocol
- 54. File and IO Protocol
- 55. Special Method for Instance Creation
- 56. Customizing
- 57. Customizing Attribute Access
- 58. Customizing Object Comparison
- 59. Special Methods for Arithmetic Operations
- 60. Special Methods for Unary Operations
- 61. Special Methods for In-place Operations
- 62. Customizing Callable Objects
- 63. Context Manager Support
- 64. Debugging and Introspection
- 65. Attribute Management
- 66. Callable and Function Protocol
- 67. Customizing Object Representation
- 68. Special Methods for Arithmetic Operations
- 69. Special Methods for Unary Operations
- 70. Special Methods for In-place Operations
- 71. Collection Protocol
- 72. Customizing Object Comparison
- 73. File and IO Protocol
- 74. Object Creation and Initialization
- 75. Hashing and Equality
- 76. Context Management
- 77. Customizing Attribute Access
- 78. Sequence and Mapping Protocol
- 79. Customizing Object Behavior
- 80. Dynamic Class Creation
- 81. Descriptor Protocol
- 82. Pickling Protocol
- 83. Buffer Protocol
- 84. Memory Management
- 85. Meta Programming
- 86. Method Wrapping
- 87. Async Iteration
- 88. String Interpolation
- 89. Data Descriptor
- 90. Collection Protocol
- 91. Customizing Object Deletion
- 92. Miscellaneous
- 93. Type Protocol
- 94. Initialization and Setup
- 95. Descriptor Access
- 96. Object Management
- 97. Container Protocol
- 98. Customizing Hash
- 99. Customizing Boolean Context
- 100. Customizing String Conversion
- 101. Function and Method Protocol
- 102. Memory Management
- 103. Protocol for Callable Objects
- 104. Object State Management
- 105. Async Context Manager
- 106. Special Methods for Indexing and Slicing
- 107. Asynchronous Iteration
- 108. Asynchronous Callable
- 109. Special Methods for Type Checking
- 110. Object Creation and Management
- 111. Callable Protocol
- 112. Attribute Access
- 113. Context Management
- 114. String Representation
- 115. Arithmetic Operations
- 116. In-place Operations
- 117. Comparison Operations
- 118. Type Casting
- 119. Numeric Operations
- 120. Iteration
- 121. Special Method for Class Management
- 122. Special Methods for Object Creation
- 123. Miscellaneous
- 124. Asynchronous Context Management
- 125. Mapping Protocol
- 126. Set Protocol
- 127. Sequence Protocol
- 128. Numeric Protocol
- 129. String Representation and Formatting
- 130. Pickling and Unpickling
- 131. Buffer Protocol
- 132. Customizing Method Resolution
- 133. Descriptors and Attribute Management
- 134. Debugging
- 135. Miscellaneous
- 136. Container Protocol
- 137. Descriptor Methods
- 138. Meta Methods
- 139. Comparison Operations
- 140. Numeric Methods
- 141. In-Place Methods
- 142. String Representation
- 143. Iterator Protocol
- 144. Context Manager
- 145. Callable Protocol
- 146. Memory Management
- 147. Buffer Protocol
- 148. Pickling and Unpickling
- 149. Descriptors and Attributes
- 150. Descriptor Management
- 151. Class Creation and Initialization
- 152. Type Checking
- 153. Object Initialization
- 154. Async Iteration
- 155. Customizing Iterators
- 156. Callable Objects
- 157. Memory Management
- 158. Customizing String Representation
- 159. Customizing Hashing
- 160. Attribute Access
- 161. Customizing Containers
- 162. Customizing Slicing
- 163. Customizing Numeric Operations
- 164. In-Place Numeric Operations
- 165. Numeric Methods
- 166. String Methods
- 167. Object State Management
- 168. Buffer Protocol
- 169. Type Protocol
- 170. Class Management
- 171. Special Methods for Attribute Access
- 172. Special Methods for Class Management
- 173. Special Methods for Method Resolution Order (MRO)
- 174. Customizing Container Behavior
- 175. Special Methods for Numeric Conversion
- 176. Special Methods for Object Comparison
- 177. Special Methods for Iterables
- 178. Special Methods for Class Attributes
- 179. Special Methods for Buffer Protocol
- 180. Special Methods for Pickling
- 181. Special Methods for Context Management
- 182. Special Methods for Callable Objects
- 183. Special Methods for Arithmetic Operations
- 184. Special Methods for In-Place Arithmetic Operations
- 185. Special Methods for Conversion
- 186. Special Methods for Collections
- 187. Special Methods for Descriptor Protocol
- 188. Special Methods for Context Managers
- 189. Special Methods for Callable Objects
- 190. Special Methods for Numeric Types
- 191. Special Methods for Mathematical Operations
- 192. Special Methods for In-Place Operations
- 193. Special Methods for Binary Operations
- 194. Special Methods for Object Construction
- 195. Special Methods for Method Resolution
- 196. Special Methods for Object Representation
- 197. Special Methods for Data Management
- 198. Special Methods for Iteration
- 199. Special Methods for Container Management
- 200. Special Methods for Numeric Conversion
- 201. Special Methods for Arithmetic Operations
- 202. Special Methods for In-Place Operations
- 203. Special Methods for Comparison
- 204. Special Methods for String Conversion
- 205. Special Methods for Pickling
- 206. Special Methods for Buffer Protocol
- 207. Special Methods for Context Management
- 208. Special Methods for Class Management